Wednesday, November 12, 2014

But I'm A Nice Guy, Scott Benson, 2013

A quick editorial cartoon about the intersection of self-pity, entitlement, rape, territoriality, misogyny and fear of women. You see it all over the place online in the form of Men's Rights Activists (of whom there are a few reasonable non-misogynists), Men Going Their Own Way, Pick Up Artists, and dudes touting the "Red Pill", because The Matrix is a good movie. Look any of these up if you have the stomach for it. These are extreme examples, but watered-down forms of these ideas are everywhere.
In lurking their blogs and youtube channels for a while, I've noticed that beyond the standard patriarchal chauvinism there is this deep fear of women - what they will do to me, how they will reject me, how they will use me, how they are changing society in a way that does not favor me, how they are making men into something I don't like, how they are making themselves into something I don't like, that they won't give me what I want, and that they won't give me what I think is rightfully mine. This goes beyond fear of feminism- this is fear of women at its purest. And that, to quote a puppet, leads to anger and hate. It's sad.
- Scott Benson

1 comment:

  1. it's a stupid, fucked up world. part of me is extremely grateful for being lucky enough to be born a white male and not having to deal with discrimination; part of me is deeply ashamed and deeply enraged - i want no association with the groups i belong to by birth.
    sorry about the world. thanks for this blog.
